September 9, 2009


I am off to London today for something special. Chris Barton, a British actor and director has taken Bikeman and made it into a play 9-11 A Survivor's Tale. He plays the role of Tom Flynn. Watching someone play you is going to be interesting. It opens tonight in London at Millicent Fawcett Hall at 29 Tufton St. It will be the first time I will see the play but not the first performance. Chris and Dee Shulman, who directs the play, took it to South Africa this summer. It won wonderful reviews.

One newspaper there opened its review this way: "If I only had the space to write a one-word review of this production, that one word would be 'Wow.'" Nice.
You can click on this for the full review:

There will be two performances this time, a special memorial to 9-11. Tonight, Sept. 10th and tomorrow night, Sept. 11th at 7:15 PM. Chris is hoping to bring it to a full production in the future. In addition to the audience at these performances, CBS News London Bureau is planning to shoot the show for a piece to air this coming weekend on either Saturday's Evening News or Sunday's.

I'll be back Sunday and will update my thoughts on the performance then. Stay tuned.

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